I resurfaced 4 damaged concrete steps in Philadelphia that were suffering from discoloration and deterioration. The customer was not happy with the condition of the steps and called my company Dependable Concrete Contractor to revitalize her steps. I used a product called “concrete renew” which restores and protects the concrete. The job took me 1 hour to complete and the client was delighted to see that her steps looked like a full replacement job but at a fraction of the cost.
Philadelphia weather is brutal to concrete because of deicing materials which contains salt. Be careful and read the package of the deicing material you plan to purchase. Some say “concrete safe” which is false because if it reads sodium on the package then it contains a harmful element to concrete but with slight less harm. Calcium chloride is a much better solution however calcium is very expensive and you have to consider a cost benefit analysis when making the purchase.
Here’s an article “Why is salt decaying my concrete?,” explains the mechanics of salt’s process of concrete deterioration.
Visit our website for more information: www.dependableconcrete.com
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